entry no. 7, the week of July 2nd

welcome to the 7th entry of EXPOSING THE CALLOUS IGBO GIRL, where I expose myself, the callous igbo girl…

…but first a visual representation of the week




the week of July 2nd was no doubt a week from hell, I mean nothing like a good chemistry laboratory course to remind me of the disdain I have for the course. I resumed my second round of summer classes, -that thinking about now puts me in a state of small regret but is still for the greater good of my very bright future- and I was immediately catapulted to my high school days of not knowing what the fuck was going on.

Anyways, because of that quick horrible trip down memory lane, this particular thought managed to find its way into my labyrinth of a mind, “DID AGE EVER COUNT TOWARDS BECOMING AN EXPERT IN ANYTHING?” I mean besides going to school and fulfilling all requirements, would I still be regarded as an expert on, let me say fashion design, if I am not even close to the age of 20? What makes me, a young person in the eyes of society, qualified to design a dress that will be worn to very prestigious events. Given that I have only had very few years of experience, that were not from academic or “professional” settings, does that still make me an expert compared to someone else who spent years in school getting a degree in the same field and is 10 times older than me? Is expertise based on how well you relate to the experience at hand?

Does your experience in dating since you were 13 years old, and always being in one relationship or the other, make you an expert at giving relationship advice, even though you're only 25 years of age?

I guess the question I really want to ask is, “Was there ever a time you had to be of a certain age before you were called an EXPERT?” Because, given that I can only speak on the times I happen to exist in, it doesn't seem like age matters. These days it's more of “I’ve experienced this situation so let me tell people how they should go about it if they find themselves in something similar,” which I’m not opposed to but, I will say is limited to the situation at hand.

I know everything you just read now was just questions upon questions, either way it’s definitely something to think about, and if it were you who would you rather take or seek advice from? Would you pick credentials over real life experience? LEAVE A COMMENT, I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!

FCE. ✌🏽